Rutgers – Camden Alumni are eligible to use many resources offered through the Career Center. If you are considering a career change, feel uncertain of your future career plans, or seek to advance in your career, see the links below to learn about how the Career Center can help.
Appointments – Rutgers-Camden alumni can schedule a career advising appointment by calling 856.225.6046.
Alumni are limited to 3 sessions per year or as deemed necessary by the Career Management Specialist. Virtual, phone and in-person appointments are available.
Rutgers New Brunswick and Newark Alumni are provided services through the campuses they graduated from. Contact your respective campus career services office to request appointments and services.
Information on services for alumni from the New Brunswick or Newark campuses can be found at:
New Brunswick Alumni Services
Newark Alumni Services
University Wide Alumni Career Services – Rutgers-Camden Alumni can also access assistance and resources through the University Wide Alumni Career Services.
Job Search

- Handshake is the Career Center’s job search database. Logging into Handshake allows you to:
- View jobs posted by employers around the country
- Post your resume for use with system to allow employers to find you
- Follow the Handshake link above to the alumni link to request access to Handshake
Career Change / Counseling / Coaching
- Rutgers-Camden Alumni Services.pdf
- Alumni are welcome at most career fairs hosted on all the Rutgers campuses.
- Resume Critique Service. Available only to Rutgers-Camden Alumni.
- Email to for a free critique.
- Use of Office Career Information Resources, Rutgers On-line Career Library, Graduate Professional School Information, Employer Directories.
- Web Based Computer Guidance Software for self-assessment and developing options is available ON-LINE. Fees apply for assessments.
- Rutgers University Alumni Association Career Resources
Alumni Career Networking
Connect with Rutgers University alumni who have volunteered to help alumni and current students with career decisions. You can ask career-related questions, seek advice, and gain insight into different careers.