The Career Center provides students with access to the latest versions and most often used assessments in Career Decision Making. Presently we offer SIGI3 for free to students as well as the Strong Interest Inventory and Myers-Briggs Personality on-line for a small fee.

This assessment will help you better understand your personality characteristics and career related interests and to get suggestions on careers to start exploring.

SIGI 3 is an on-line assessment program which examines interests, skills, personality and values in relationship to careers. This is available free of charge to students.
Contact the Career Center for access information, then log in to SIGI3 HERE.

Taking the Strong Interest Inventory can be helpful in your academic decision-making and career planning. This assessment measures your level of interest in school subjects, occupational areas, work and leisure activities, kinds of people, and various learning and work environments, than compares your interests with people who are happily employed in a variety of occupations. An additional feature is the “Making College Fit Your Interests” report. This report identifies college courses, majors and activities that you may wish to explore. Contact the Career Center for access information.

The MBTI assessment is the most widely used personality assessment in the world. With a proven record of reliability spanning more than 50 years, it offers a foundation for understanding individual differences and applying that understanding to the ways people think, communicate, and interact. The MBTI Career report applies your results from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment to help you identify job families and occupations that are a good fit for your reported MBTI type. Contact the Career Center for access information.
For information and access to these inventories, please contact the Career Center at 856-225-6046 or stop by the Center, lower level of the Campus Center.
Students taking the inventories on-line are required to make an appointment with a counselor to review their results.