Welcome Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff

Rutgers-Camden Faculty and Staff, are essential in assisting students in developing the knowledge and skills needed to formulate and conduct a successful career plan.  We invite you to learn more about our services, and look forward to partnering with you to meet the career needs of our students.

Resources for the Classroom

The Career Center provides resources for use in the classroom on a variety of career and job-search related topics.  As well, we have several online tools to assist students in their career research – please feel free to explore our site to familiarize yourself with our student resources.

Request a Career Presentation

To schedule a Career Center staff member visit your class or event to speak on career and employment-related topics, please click the link to our Career Center Presentation Request Form, below. presentation request form

Legal Q&A: Can The Career Center or Faculty PLACE Students with an Employer?

If the career center or faculty prescreen candidates, they are, in effect, acting as an employment agency, and the relevant laws that apply to an agency would apply to the career center or faculty member. In this regard, federal, and most state, antidiscrimination laws prohibit discrimination in “referral practices.” In this regard, an employment agency may not discriminate in classifications or referrals for employment; circulate any discriminatory statement, advertisement, or publication; or use discriminatory application forms or inquiries made in connection with prospective employment. Further, if an employment agency advances an employer’s discriminatory practices, both the employer and the agency may be held liable for discrimination. As such, if a career center prescreens candidates in a discriminatory manner, it may be exposed to potential liability.

Read the entire NACE statement here.

To ensure equitable opportunity for all students, faculty & staff should forward all job and internship leads they receive from employers to the Career Center so that those opportunities can be posted on Handshake for ALL students to view. Email leads to careercenter@camden.rutgers.edu

Online Tools and Resources

Refer Your Students

The career planning process takes place throughout a student’s career at Rutgers-Camden. Students must be purposeful and deliberate, plan early, and use the many resources available to them. We encourage you to refer your students to the Career Center to assist students in this process. 

Individual Career & Graduate School Advising

Career advising is a one-on-one process that emphasizes appraisal of knowledge & skills, exploration through internships and other experiences, and job-search skills. Topics of discussion range from:

  • Career Planning
  • Resume/cover letter critique
  • Interview skills
  • Internship opportunities
  • Networking
  • Job search strategies
  • Applying to graduate school

Class of 2022 Career Outcomes Reports